Here are a few things you should know about the subconscious:


1. Despite its power, the subconscious is a servant of the
conscious mind. It follows orders by acting on whatever is
fed to it. It cannot distinguish between what is real and
what is imagined. It has no sense of humor and takes
everything very literally. Your conscious mind is the gate-
keeper. For personal power, you must be aware of what you
are allowing into the subconscious. And you can
intentionally program it to manifest what you want in life.

2. The subconscious mind responds with instinct and habit.
As thinking and behavioral patterns deepen, they become
habits and they become harder and harder to change.

3. Use repetition, authority and emotion to program the
subconscious. Affirm and visualize often what you desire. Be
strong, willful and in command. Draw on your passion and
emotional power to affirm what you want, as emotions have a
very strong impact on the subconscious mind.

4. The subconscious mind does not process negatives. For
this reason, all affirmations and statements must be
positive. Do not say, "I will not gain weight." The 'not' is
not recorded - the subconscious mind only hears "I will gain

5. The subconscious represses memories with unresolved
negative emotions. The memories will get buried, yet the
beliefs and feelings associated with them will still control
your reactions. This is why it is important to become aware
of and resolve strong guilt, resentment, fears, anger and

6. The subconscious mind works with symbols and metaphors.
Watch your dreams closely for symbols that will offer clues
to underlying issues that need to be resolved.

7. It takes everything personally. It keeps a photocopy of
everything. Whenever you criticize, resent, judge and
project negative thoughts and feelings onto others, you
experience the negativity as your own.

8. The subconscious works on the principle of least effort.
It follows the path of least resistance. Without purposeful
direction from our conscious mind, it follows the easiest,
usually more negative path of our engrained habits.

9. It has a need to be moral. The subconscious mind is also
the source of a higher aspect of yourself. This God force,
Soul energy or whatever you want to call it supports your
evolution towards love, unity, beauty and truth. Consciously
working with the subconscious opens us to higher levels of
wisdom and love.

10. It knows only the present time. There is no future or
past in the subconscious mind. All stored experiences are
processed as NOW. Know that the past affects you NOW, as 
the subconscious replays past programming in the present. So
affirm in the now, not in the future. And understand that
you have the power right now to re-write sabotaging programs
from the past so you can claim a better future.


The author of this is unknown.  Permission to reprint it came from Sheri Bardo.  Sheri is a personal success coarch.  Her website is Authentically You