Our Newsletters
I have a newsletter, called MousePages. It contains uplifting and motivational articles.
You can read the archives of MousePages by clicking here:
You can also subscribe to MousePages. It is sent to your E-Mailbox once a week, on Monday. We never use your E-Mail address for any other purpose. You can unsubscribe at any time. To subscribe, send an email to: navajomouse127@yahoo.com with "subscribe MousePages" as the subject.
I have a daily inspirational quote list.
Every morning you will receive an inspirational quote in your e-mailbox. There is nothing more to it, you will not get a bunch of junk, or links to try and sell you anything! You can unsubscribe at any time.
Just an inspirational quote to start your day off right.
To subscribe: send an email to navajomouse127@yahoo.com with
"subscribe Daily Inspiration" as the subject.
I also put out a twice monthly newsletter called Spirit Path, dedicated to American Indian Spirituality and Information. It comes via email on the 1st and 15th of every month. To read past articles, go here:
To subscribe: To subscribe: send an email to navajomouse127@yahoo.com with "subscribe Spirit Path" as the subject.