Healing For The Wounded Spirit


"The wish for healing has always been half of health." 
-- Seneca 


This too shall pass...
If I can endure for this minute whatever is happening to me 
No matter how heavy my heart is or how dark the moment might be... 
If I can but keep on believing what I know in my heart to be true, 
That darkness will fade with morning and that this will pass away, too... 
Then nothing can ever disturb me or fill me with uncertain fear, 
For as sure as night brings dawning, my morning is bound to appear... 
-- Unknown 


Here are some sites that can help.
They will open up in a new window, so you can get back here easily

Panic & Anxiety Attack Help

A I Bunny  some uplifting reading 

Life's Little Instruction Manual 

Derek Berger  Poetry and quotes

Soul Healing  A healing Mandala, A place for prayer requests and some on-line healers

Ken Page   Healing techniques That really work

Inspiried Inside  Lots of inspirational quotes

Positive Thought.com  Start each day with a positive thought and a guided meditation


"Rest when you're weary. 
Refresh and renew yourself, 
your body, your mind, your spirit. 
Then get back to work." 
-- Ralph Marston